Regina Coeli Primary – Where there is Love

Rethinking Curriculum blog

At Regina Coeli, the vision is to develop a community where the school will be a place of excellence, where all staff recognise their position of trust and their responsibilities towards the children in their care.

Creating time and space for all voices to be heard

Rethinking Curriculum blog

Cragside Primary school is a two-form entry primary school in Newcastle-Upon-Tyne. At Cragside, we aim to provide children with an education that: inspires and nurtures; celebrates individuality and diversity; and equips every child to make a positive contribution to their community.

Rethinking Curriculum presents: Riverhead Infants School

Rethinking Curriculum blog

We caught up with Riverhead Infants School leadership team to learn more about what inspired them to join the pilot year of the Rethinking Curriculum project funding by the Helen Hamlyn Trust and what their vision for the future of the school is.

Rethinking Curriculum: Q&A

Rethinking Curriculum blog

Have you ever wondered how to revolutionise education? Rethinking Curriculum is not just an idea; it’s a dynamic project with a bold mission.