Leading Inclusive Schools

The Chartered College of Teaching, funded by the Charity of Sir Richard Whittington (part of the Mercers’ Charitable Foundation), has developed six online learning modules for school leaders on the theme of ‘Leading Inclusive Schools’. Drawing on the theory, research and evidence, these modules aim to equip school leaders with the knowledge, skills and confidence to enact core principles of inclusive leadership in their schools, to increase equity in education for all students and staff.

Develop the knowledge and skills to effectively enact inclusive leadership in your context, to increase equity in education for all students and staff.

Course modules

The modules in Leading Inclusive Schools are aimed at Headteachers, Executive Headteachers, Deputy Headteachers, Assistant Headteachers and other senior leaders. Some modules will be relevant to teachers in other roles such as curriculum leaders, assessments leads, middle leaders, pastoral leaders and Inclusion leads or SENDCos. Clicking the boxes below will take you MyCollege for more information and to give you the opportunity to enrol on the unit.