Call For Papers

Three times a year, usually around the same time of year, a new issue of Impact is published: February, May and September. With a focus on the experience of teachers and educators, Impact enables teachers to share and reflect on their own use of research. Each peer-reviewed issue is themed around a critical topic for practitioners with a guest editor who is a specialist in the field. Issues feature a wide range of original research articles and expert perspectives from teachers, schools leaders and academics.

Calls for papers remain open for just over a month and authors are asked to submit a 250-word abstract for consideration by the publishing team.

If you have any questions about submitting, please contact the Chartered College publishing team at

Issue 25 call for papers

For the autumn 2025 issue of Impact, we are seeking papers focusing on a broad and varied curriculum. Topics can include, but are not limited to:

  • developing a curriculum that supports the strengths of all learners across a range of contexts, including SEND, early years, primary, EAL, secondary, alternative provision and further education
  • the importance of arts and creativity, sport and vocational subjects in a balanced curriculum
  • curriculum planning and school curricula design
  • reflecting and representing the lives of all children and young people across the curriculum
  • breadth, ambition and challenge within the curriculum
  • balancing curriculum breadth and depth
  • the relationship between curriculum and assessment practices; broadening notions of educational success.

Article types include:

  • Research (1,000-2,000 words): Summaries of current original research (including practitioner research) with their implications for pedagogy
  • Perspectives (1,000-2,000 words): Pieces offering a clear, balanced, research-informed review or critique of a particular topic within the issue theme
  • Case studies (1,000-1,500 words): Detailed studies of single settings or occurrences with clearly defined boundaries, such as a pedagogical intervention, an assessment initiative or an approach to CPD in a particular context
  • Reflections (500-1,000 words): Teachers discussing a specific piece of research and how it has informed their practice.


The Chartered College of Teaching is committed to furthering equality, diversity and inclusion across our organisation, and we seek to promote a range of voices in Impact and all our content to ensure that our work is fully representative of the teaching profession. We encourage authors with protected characteristics, particularly relating to race, religion or belief, disability and sexual orientation, as we know that these areas are underrepresented in our content. We welcome submissions from all prospective authors, across the full range of phases and settings, including early career teachers.

If you wish to submit to this issue, please complete the relevant section of this form, specifying which article type you intend to write.


  • Abstract submissions deadline: Thursday 6th March
  • Notifications of accepted proposals sent to authors: Thursday 20th March
  • Full drafts submitted: Thursday 24th April

If you do not hear from us by Thursday 20th March, please contact us at


Submittable link:

Impact Journals Spread out on a table