Chartered Teacher (Mentor) Status

For: practising mentors who are employed as teachers or middle leaders, and who are mentoring one or more classroom-based teacher.

Chartered Status is a professional learning and accreditation pathway supporting career-long development. Our Chartered Teacher Mentor pathway provides formal recognition to highly accomplished school-based mentors. Individuals who are awarded Chartered Status via this pathway are recognised for evidence-informed, high-quality teaching and mentoring practice, benefiting their mentees, their school, and the children and young people they teach.

Teachers and leaders who have achieved Chartered Status say they are more confident, use research and evidence to inform their approaches, and are more effective in their role. Gaining Chartered Status benefits the individual, their school and the children and young people they teach.

To be awarded Chartered Teacher (Mentor) Status you will need to demonstrate that you meet each of the Chartered Teacher Mentor Professional Principles, as defined in the Chartered College of Teaching Professional Framework. You will do this by completing a series of certified CPD units, undertaking assessments within each unit to showcase your professional expertise across a range of areas. These units are accessed via an online platform, allowing you to work towards Chartered Status at a pace that best suits you. Typically it takes around 1-2 years to complete the pathway. Individuals who are awarded Chartered Status via the Leadership pathway are able to use the postnominals ‘CTeach (Mentor)’ in recognition of this significant achievement. 


90% of Chartered Status holders say that Chartered Status has made them more effective teachers and leaders.


Over 80% of Chartered Status holders say it has increased their confidence.


Half of Chartered Status holders received a promotion or an enhanced role following the accreditation.

Gain certification for each step of your journey

Each of our Chartered Status CPD units is individually certified and carefully designed to promote purposeful research engagement, build on individual practice, priorities and interests, and drive meaningful improvement in your classroom and school. 

To be awarded Chartered Teacher (Mentor) Status you will need to successfully complete the following units:

With the exception of the introduction and application units, the units can be completed in any order, however, we recommend that you begin with the Certificate in Evidence-Informed Practice which provides a strong foundation for the subsequent units you will complete on this pathway. The Certificate in Evidence-Informed Practice and Mentoring Development Certificate can also be completed as standalone courses, independent of the Chartered Status pathway.

If you have any questions, feel free to get in touch with us via email: 

Introductory Course: Chartered Teacher (Mentor) Status

Introductory Course

Familiarise yourself with the Chartered Teacher Mentor Professional Principles and explore the evidence around effective CPD as you develop a Professional Learning Profile that will drive your development as you work towards becoming Chartered

Course length: 1 month
Enrolment fee: £49

Certificate in Evidence-Informed Practice

Certificate in Evidence Informed Practice

Learn how to navigate education research, build your understanding of key themes and debates within current education research, and consider implications for classroom and mentoring practice.

Course length:  Up to 3 months
Enrolment fee: £99

Mentoring Development Certificate

Mentoring Development Certificate

Explore the evidence around effective mentoring, and the development of expertise. Engage in cycles of deliberate practice as you focus on developing effective mentoring approaches that will make a difference to teachers and pupils within your context.

Course length: 1 term or 3-6 months
Enrolment fee: £129

Education Research and Inquiry Certificate

Education Research and Inquiry Certificate

Take your research engagement one step further as you learn about the process of practitioner inquiry as a powerful mechanism for professional development and undertake an evidence-informed inquiry project in your classroom, focusing on an area of your choosing.

Course length: 3-6 months
Enrolment fee: £179

Professional Knowledge Award (Mentor)

Professional Knowledge Award

Demonstrate your knowledge of effective mentoring, teacher development, pedagogy and assessment through three

professional knowledge examinations (includes access to our Principles of Assessment online short course).

Course length: 1-12 months
Enrolment fee: £139

Application for Chartered Teacher (Mentor) Status

Application for Chartered Teacher (Mentor) Status

Submit your application to become Chartered, in include your Professional Learning Profile and Educational Perspective Statement.

Course length: 1 month
Application fee: £79


To be eligible for Chartered Teacher (Mentor) Status, you must hold membership of the Chartered College and be currently employed as a teacher, working with children or young people aged 0-19 years in an early years, primary, secondary, further education or specialist setting:

  • in the UK, Ireland, a Crown Dependency or a British Overseas Territory;
  • in a Services Education Setting;
  • in a British International School; or
  • in none of the above, but who has completed initial teacher training in the UK.

You are also required to hold specific mentoring responsibilities, currently mentoring one or more teachers in a school-based setting. The role of the mentor may vary depending on its context but might include mentoring as part of initial teacher training, the Early Career Framework, or mentoring to support continued professional growth. It does not necessarily include individuals undertaking broader activities associated with induction or mentoring, for example, those with line manager or induction co-ordinator or link tutor roles.

If you are working as a classroom teacher, or within a senior leadership role, you may wish to consider our Chartered Teacher pathway or Chartered Teacher (Leadership) pathway, where relevant. 

Recognition of prior learning

If you have recently undertaken training or gained a qualification with another organisation, you may be able to use this as credits towards one or more Chartered Status unit.

Contact Us

You can contact the Chartered College of Teaching Accreditation Team at  You can also connect with the Chartered Teacher community via social media using the hashtag #CTeach

When taking accreditations through third-party organisations, we strongly encourage you to verify the provider’s authenticity.  Please be aware that some entities have replicated our work