Framework for Ethical Leadership in Education

The Framework is designed to help busy school leaders to make good decisions.

The Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL) commissioned an Ethical Leadership Commission in June 2017. It had very strong participation from members and has already had an effect on public discourse about schools and their leadership. Our Framework, included within the report, will now help to plot the new landscape.

We want the language of values and virtues to be part of everyday decision-making for four main areas:

  1. The school is where society looks after its young until they are old enough to assume the mantle of adult responsibility.
  2. School leaders have to be diligent and trusted professionals and public servants.
  3. Every decision and judgement school leaders make sets an example to children and should promote ethical behaviour in succeeding generations: how we do things is as important as what we do.
  4. In a landscape where schools are of many different sorts and responsible to many different people, society must be able to rely on thousands of individual decision-making leaders to do the right thing.

The three legacies of the ethical leadership commission:

  1. The Framework for Ethical Leadership in Education (FELE), included in the final report, and the Pathfinder Programme, which will road-test the words in school-level decision-making.
  2. Our continuing work to embed the FELE in teacher and leader training, through the Chartered College of Teaching and other means.
  3. Regular events with an explicit focus on ethical leadership

Find out more about the Pathfinder Project, browse the Pathfinder schools and trusts and access the free materials: